Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writer Beware's Two Thumb's Down List, Publishers: ____________

I'm always referring new writers to Writer Beware's Two Thumbs Down publisher's list Blogspot post.  It is EXCELLENT.

I *was* going to do a spotlight on each of the names on that list, just to update things for 2011, a fun, 20-part series.

There were going to be quotes from their websites, links to posts from their victims, and I was going to be funny and snarky and hopefully entertaining with a fresh warning against the predators of publishing.

Well, no huge surprise, predators bite.

And that sucks. 

In response to the original post I got an anonymous, untraceable comment that I interpreted as a threat of legal action against me.

There was nothing actionable on my post, only quotes and links, all easily available on the web if you put the words into a search engine.

But I can't take the chance of getting slapped with even a frivolous lawsuit. I'm sure the anonymous poster is having a good chuckle at my expense. That's what that kind does.

Yes, I caved and removed the post and you get this wimpy one instead.  I have a sick dog to look after, two looming deadlines to meet, and a mortgage to pay. The "entity" who made the veiled threat of legal action against me just isn't worth it.

So, dear writers, I invite you to simply check out all the names on Writer Beware's Thumbs Down list for publishers for yourselves.

Copy the link, re-post it on your websites and blogs, let other writers know it exists, share with every writer you know.

And keep in mind that *maybe* one of the names on that list has money to hire a lawyer who can make confetti of my right to freedom of speech. 

Yours, too.


  1. UPDATE- I have reported the intimidation comments to the Attorney General of the state the "publisher" resides in. She got a screen cap of things, my time line of events, and has added those to her case file.

    In future, the "publisher" in question will be referred to as "Dirty Scum-Sucking Creep Publishing". ;)
